
Výmenný pobyt - Erasmus

Erasmus+ incoming students



Erasmus Application Process


Dear incoming students,

thank you for your interest in studying at the  Academy of the Police Force in Bratislava Erasmus ID Code: SK BRATISL06 . First. your institution needs to nominated you as a student. When you are accepted, you can start choosing courses for your  Online Learning Agreement (OLA). If you have any questions concerning the OLA, please contact the Erasmus+ coordinator - or

Nomination deadlines

  • Nomination deadlines:
    Winter term: 30.5.
    Spring term: 15.11.
  • Application deadlines:
    Winter term: 15.06.
    Spring term: 01.12.

Mandatory mention of the following data for every student:

  • Name of the Institution;
  • Erasmus Code;
  • Family name of the student;
  • Given names;
  • Gender;
  • Valid e-mail address of the student;

Period of stay (winter term, all Academic Year, spring term).



Courses in English language

Czech student can choose from Slovak courses available at this link:


Protection of people and property

831 14 VP 1 AJ - Administrative Law / Správne právo - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 2 AJ - General criminality / Všeobecná kriminalita - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 3 AJ - Criminalistic and forensic anthropology / Kriminalistická a forenzná antropológia - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 4 AJ - International and European Labour Law / Medzinárodné a Európske pracovné právo - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 5 AJ - International Police Cooperation / Medzinárodná policajná spolupráca - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 6 AJ - European criminal law / Európske trestné právo - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 7 AJ - Company Law / Obchodné právo - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 8 AJ - International organization / Medzinárodné organizácie - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 10 AJ -  English language / Anglický jazyk - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 11 AJ -  Service interventions / Služobné zákroky - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 12 AJ - Physical education and Sport – Self-defence / Telesná príprava a šport - sebaobrana - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 14 AJ - Criminology / Kriminológia - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 15 AJ - Crime scene investigation / Skúmanie miesta činu - 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 16 AJ - International Security / Medzinárodná bezpečnosť- 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 9 AJ Seminar in Political Science / Politológia 5 ECTS

831 14 VP 13 AJ  European Integrated Border Mangement / Európske integrované  riadenie hraníc 5 ECTS


 Security Public - Administration Services

832 14 VP 1 AJ - Administrative Law /Správne právo - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 2 AJ - International and European Labour Law / Medzinárodné a Európske pracovné právo - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 3 AJ - European criminal law / Európske trestné právo - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 4 AJ - Company Law / Obchodné právo - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 5 AJ - General Criminality / Všeobecná kriminalita - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 6 AJ - International organization / Medzinárodné organizácie - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 7 AJ - Crisis management / Krízový manažment - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 8 AJ - English language / Anglický jazyk - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 9 AJ - Physical education and Sport – Self-defence / Telesná príprava a šport - sebaobrana - 5 ECTS

832 14 VP 10 AJ - International Security / Medzinárodná bezpečnosť - 5 ECTS





Grading system

The grading system is a key issue in the academic recognition process for students participating in international mobility programmes. Grading scales may be different in different countries which could possibly cause difficulty in the equivalence process after returning to the home university.

Our grading system is:

A - Excellent (1)

B  - Very good (1,5)

C – Good (2)

D – Satisfactory (2,5)

E – Sufficient (3)

FX - Insufficient/Failed (4)


The Academy of the Police Force in Bratislava offers an accommodation in the Police Academy Campus to coming students or lecturers from abroad, who realize exchange studying programs or lecturing within the ERASMUS+ program.:

  • accommodation units, which have two single double bedrooms, toilet, shower enclosure, refrigerator placed in the hall of each accommodation unit, kitchen, which is in the hall outside the accommodation units (there is electric cooker, microwave, kettle).

Price: 1 night/ person is 3,00 €.                                                       


The Academy of Police Forcein Bratislava runs a campus canteen that is placed in the building E. Besides that the students have coffee shop offering coffee, tea, panini etc. It is placed in the building U.

The campus canteen offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. The students can choose among two dishes at lunch.

Openig hours in the campus canteen:


06:45 - 07:15 price is 1,30 €



11:30 - 13:15 price is 3,38 €



17:30  -18:00 price is 1,50 €







Health insurence

All international students must have a valid health insurance during their period of stay in the Slovak Republic.

Students coming from EU countries are entitled to the provision of necessary and urgent health medical care free of charge. It is necessary to demonstrate the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

It is recommended that students have supplementary travel insurance from their own country.

Sport and activities

Our institution offers sport facilities you can use in your free time, for Erasmus+ student i tis free of charge. Part of the Academy comprises gyms for ball games and combat sports. The Academy also has a fitness centre with a standard equipment. An open outdoor area with running tracks and other sections for light athletics.




Erasmus Student Network

Erasmus Student Network Slovakia (ESN Slovakia) is a non-profit student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students. Every year, 10 ESN sections from Bratislava to Košice take care of almost 2,000 Erasmus students. ESN SK represents international students and organize trips, cultural and social activities and events for them. More info:



Erasmus+ coordinator:

major, MA, BA, Lucia Čajkovičová, PhD.

Department of science and scietific projects

E –mail: or

Phone: +421 9610 57346

Erasmus+ institutional coordinator:

prof. JUDr. Mojmír Mamojka, PhD.

Vice-rector for science and foreign relations

E-mail: or          

Phone: +421 9610 57202


Akadémia Policajného zboru v Bratislave

Sklabinská 1

835 17 Bratislava 35