
Stretnutie CEPOL

Stretnutie CEPOL


Dr. Detlef Schroder výkonný riaditeľ agentúry EÚ CEPOL sa dňa 6/5/2019 stretol na pôde Akadémie PZ s rektorkou Akadémie PZ Dr. h. c. prof. JUDr. Luciou Kurilovskou, PhD., štátnym tajomníkom MV SR Mgr. Michalom Bagačkom, riaditeľom ÚKP P PZ plk. Mgr. Stanislavom Špankom a tiež riaditeľom Akadémie FS plk. Mgr.




The Academy of the Police Force in Bratislava runs a  canteen that is placed in the  main building. The canteen offers breakfast, lunch and dinner . The students can choose among three dishes at lunch..

Besides that you can find snack  bar offering varied menu to their disposal.